Any App Development

Since our establishment, we have been delivering high-quality and maintainable enterprise solutions.

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Experienced Team

We are a team of software engineers, who love collaboration and designing impactful software!

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Scalable and Secure

Serverless or Kubernete? We future proof our solutions growth.

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Have questions about the software design proccess? Want to bounce the ball off an experienced engineer? Contact us and we'll try our best to answer any question you have!


Similar to a large construction project, blueprints are required before the work begins. Software design requires detailed effort to reduce risk and expense. Wireframing, creating user stories, diagrams of data flows, and UI mockups. We can help talk though the checklist!


A prototype is the draft of a product that gives a good visual representation of the final product. A prototype is more detailed than a wireframe. Prototypes help to test layouts, figure out if everything matches the pre-established requirements and gather user feedback. They also assist in saving time and money.


Frequent smaller deployments and continuous integration. By using an Agile methodology, you can adjust and adapt through the proccess.

What people Say

Catherine Williams

Regular client

Cloud SS offers a high caliber of resources skilled in Microsoft Azure .NET, mobile and Quality Assurance. They became our true business partners over the past three years.

Rupert Wood

Regular client

Cloud SS powered us with a competent team to develop products for banking services. The team has been delivering results within budget and time, which is amazing.

Samantha Brown

Regular client

Cloud SS is a highly skilled and uniquely capable firm with multitudes of talent on-board. We have collaborated on a number of diverse projects that have been a great success.